The best sleeping position according to your back pain

Let's find out the best sleeping position according to your back pain. You should sleep in a particular sleep position to cope with your back pain problem.

Types of back pain

There are usually two types of back pain. They are

1.Acute back pain

If you suffer from pain that lasts under 3 months, that type of pain is called acute back pain.

2. Chronic back pain

This type of back pain lasts more than 3 months. If your pain has not gone after many treatments, then this type of back pain is in the category of chronic back pain.

Example of chronic back pain

  • Skeletal irregularities like Upper Spine curvature, S or C- shaped spine, lower spine curvature etc.

  • Arthritis pains like Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid are chronic pain.

  • Bulging discs, ruptured discs are also in the category of chronic back pain.

  • Osteoporosis.

The common causes of chronic back pain

  • People with the age of 30 years above, are much suffering from chronic back pain then 30 years below aged people.

  • Hence, age matters so much in this type of back pain.

  • If you try to lift weights in the gym improperly, then it can lead to chronic back pain.

  • If your weight is too heavy, and you don't exercise daily to reduce weight, then it can be a reason for your calling between.

  • If you suffer from any mental illness, then it can also lead you to chronic back pain.

  • Smoking can also lead to chronic back pain.

  • If you suffer from any particular disease, then it can also cause chronic back pain.

Best suitable sleeping position according to your back pain

If you're suffering from upper back pain

1. To reduce upper back pain you should sleep with a pillow between your knees on your sides.

This position reduces extra pressure between your hips.

2. You can sleep on your back with a cervical pillow to reduce upper back pain. In this position your back and neck get excellent support.

One of the main advantages of sleeping in this position is that your spine gets proper alignment during sleep and your head is set in a proper place.

3. Sleeping on a foam pillow on your sides can also reduce the upper back.

The foam pillow helps to keep your head properly aligned with your body. The foam pillows are very soft. Hence, it is very helpful to keep your head in a proper place during sleep.

If you are suffering from lower back pain

1. By sleeping with a pillow under your knees can reduce lower back pain.

When you sleep in this position, the pressure in the lower back is reduced during sleep.

2. If you are suffering from any lower back pain then try to sleep with a thin pillow between your knees.

Through hips and pelvis, you get excellent spine support during sleep by sleeping in this position.

3. If you are a stomach sleeper, then you should sleep with a pillow under your pelvis.

When you sleep in this position the pressure between the discs is reduced. So it is helpful to reduce the risks of any disc-related disease.

Find out the best orthopaedic mattresses for back pain here.

Find out the best mattress for a single bed here.


Hope you guys like this article about the best sleeping position according to your back pain. If you follow the above tips then you can reduce or eliminate your back pain easily.


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